Suche in
Brown, Jane D.: El-Toukhy, Sherine: Ortiz, Rebecca: Growing up sexually in a digital world. The risks and benefits of youths' sexual media use. [2014]
Ortiz, Rebecca R.: Scull, Tracy: Brown, Jane D.: Shafer, Autumn: Kupersmidt, Janis: Suellentrop, Katherine: 16 [sixteen] and pregnant: The effects of watching and discussing a reality television drama about the consequences of teen pregnancy. [2011]
Brown, Jane D.: Media and sexuality. [2009]
Hust, Stacey J. T.: Brown, Jane D.: Gender, media use, and effects. [2008]
Dillman Carpentier, Francesca R.: Brown, Jane D.: Bertocci, Michele: Silk, Jennifer S.: u.a.: Sad kids, sad media? Applying mood management theory of depressed adolescents' use of media. [2008]
L'Engle, Kelly Ladin: Brown, Jane D.: Romocki, LaHoma Smith: Kenneavy, Kristin: Adolescents' sexual self-concepts and media use patterns: Implications for sexual health communication. [2007]
Kaestle, Christine Elizabeth: Halpern, Carolyn Tucker: Brown, Jane D.: Music videos, pro wrestling, and acceptance of date rape among middle school males and females: An exploratory analysis. [2007]
Jackson, Christine: Brown, Jane D.: L'Engle, Kelly L.: R-rated movies, bedroom televisions, and initiation of smoking by White and Black adolescents. [2007]
L'Engle, Kelly Ladin: Brown, Jane D.: Kenneavy, Kristin: The mass media are an important context for adolescents' sexual behavior. [2006]
Brown, Jane D.: L'Engle, Kelly Ladin: Pardun, Carol J.: Guo, Guang: Kenneavy, Kristin: u.a.: Sexy media matter: Exposure to sexual content in music, movies, television, and magazines predicts black and white adolescents' sexual behavior. [2006]
Brown, Jane D.: Halpern, Carolyn Tucker: L'Engle, Kelly Ladin: Mass media as a sexual super peer for early maturing girls. [2005]
Pardun, Carol J.: L'Engle, Kelly Ladin: Brown, Jane D.: Linking exposure to outcomes: Early adolescents' consumption of sexual content in six media. [2005]
Brown, Jane D.: Witherspoon, Elizabeth M.: The mass media and the health of adolescents in the United States. [2001]
Brown, Jane D.: Adolescents' sexual media diets. [2000]
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